
Showing posts from August, 2018

Don't be Broken...

Most of the time, I spend my days alone. Mind running on fumes of thoughts that have suffocated my body and mind. The kind of thoughts that break you down from the inside out. The kind that builds and builds until you just give up and your mind falls into a state of uncertainty. People tell me that I have a "wall" up or that I have closed myself off. Truth is they only see what I want them to see. It's not because I can't open up  or I can't have deep meaningful conversations. It's the stress that has been put on my mind and body through things that I thought I would not have to worry about as an individual. The constant pain if your enough, if you matter, if you going to make it our alive or watch your entire world crumble around you and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Writing and listening to music are the only things that keep me from my mind drifting but sometimes that is not enough. It's like falling into a deep, dark, bottomless pit wh