
Showing posts from September, 2018
Feeling... The feeling of not knowing can take the fabric of someones mind and twist it into an infinite number of scenarios. All because people like to hide or  not be honest about what they want from the get go. Relationships only get more difficult especially when you cannot get a grasp on what that other person is thinking. Why have someone suffer through that? Just be honest and don't waste there time and yours like. it benefits no one in this situation and you are showing that person that there is no point in being in a relationship to begin with but in the end everyone wants to get married and have kids. so why not act like you actually want something instead waiting until "oh now I'm ready after this that and this". Those are the people you dont need in your life in the end because it just going to be you having flase hope in the end.  Which tbh isnt good in the long run.  


    Few people know the true meaning of the word "Love" or how it even feels to be in love with someone, an unconditional bond and loyalty for one another. I cannot put into words the emotional connection between two people who have opened up themselves to one another taking the risk of getting hurt and making yourself vulnerable.  Love is like nothing you have ever experienced before.  People watch movies, shows, read books, and go try to find that love.  Everyone wants that kind of love something so surreal, breathtaking, and pure.  A love where the little things they do, even if is so small feels like the biggest gesture to of love from that person. A love that someone teaches you how to love yourself better.  A love that you both grow old together and no matter what the love is still there and continues to grow with age. The type of love where people look and go "wow, they're still together", that's the reaction I want.....       But to actually