Nightly Thoughts


most nights...

Do you ever just sit in your bed one night and just think to yourself about your life, love, moments and the future? I spend most nights listening to the tones of my favorite music, while cycling moments, thoughts, plans for the future, life and this crazy world. These thoughts may be good ones or even devastating moments from my past. Most of the time it's me just sitting there thinking about, what's the next path in my life? I sit sometimes and just think about, how there were moments in my life that man I wish I could of took that shot and done this or done that. Instead I have always known that I would let myself down. I suppose I just never got over the fact that my life could of been different then where I am right now but I fell short. That pain of letting yourself down gets to you rather quickly, and after awhile it just bottles up because it's just too much to get out of your head and you wish that someone would understand but most people wouldn't and that's fine.

sky stars thoughts confused thinking Cosmos Nighttime speechless constellations pondering deep thoughts wondering Consciousness You try to hide it by masking your emotions, or just avoiding everything but you know you can't and the hardest thing about life is accepting that you're going to go through tough times and you're not always going to get everything right but part of living is find yourself and those tough times make you into a better version of yourself. I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and say I am not scared because I am. I am scared of the unknown, I am scared of not knowing. I guess not knowing makes it an exciting adventure in life. Life/time has a way of going by very quickly, so you better keep up with it or you're going to miss out on everything you could have experienced in your life. I know most people will say "but I don't have time" but to be honest you have all the time in the world, you just need to know how to use it. Do something you love to do or always wanted to do, don't be afraid of the uncertainty to keep you from experiencing this life. 

"Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time."-Jim Rohn


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